Thursday, August 18

Home State Travel

When planning a family vacation, central Illinois may not be the first destination that comes to mind. However, we have visited the state capital of Illinois on several occasions and if you have the opportunity, are interested in American history, are teaching it to homeschooled children or reinforcing a school curriculum, I'd highly recommend a stop in Springfield, IL.

Surrounded by beautiful and productive farmland, Springfield's biggest draw is it's historical connection to our most famous of presidents, Abraham Lincoln. There are a series of attractions in Springfield that offer an informative and revealing look into his life and times.

Lincoln's Tomb Association website.
A life of hard work, dedication to learning, greatness, tragedy and mostly his legacy of commitment to freedom and of ending slavery, learning about Abraham Lincoln is a key to understanding the history of the United States of America and it's foundation of liberty.

Visit these attractions for an in depth view:
  • The Lincoln tomb at Oak Ridge cemetery has an interesting history itself.
  • The Lincoln Museum and Library presents the information and artifacts in an engaging and accessible way for visitors of all ages. Excellent gift shop, too! The Lincoln Museum website.
  • The Lincoln New Salem State Historic Site is a reconstructed village of where Abraham Lincoln spent his young adulthood. It is located about 20 miles northwest of Springfield and presents a - you are there - experience of the 1830's. Check days and hours of operation.

Abraham Lincoln - discover more about the man, the president, his life and times in Springfield, Illinois.
A few good Lincoln reads, available at amazon.

And more history resources at Schoolhouse Teachers. To explore click the image below.

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