Monday, February 8

February Thoughts

Due to watching recent election and national politics, the last weeks have been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster for many, myself included. Even though really, so far, nothing in my own life has changed significantly as a result of the election or the decisions being made on a federal level. At least, not yet. 

So as the mostly stay home, work from home mode continues in Chicagoland, I am enjoying another snowy morning from inside my warm and cozy house. There is honestly, nothing quite like a snowy winter morning with no obligations, no need to leave the house, sipping a full cup of hot coffee with the rumble of a bulky old furnace as the sound backdrop, to encourage me to see the glass half full.

The quiet softness of falling snow is blanketing the neighborhood. Following some morning devotional and prayer time, I am savoring this cozy comfort of my home. Despite the social upheaval in our country, a few uplifting thoughts have come to mind this morning. I am noticing for myself, my friends and the family members near to me that there could be some, or maybe even many, positive opportunities coming our way. Perhaps they are not ones that were part of anyone's plan, but there do already seem to be some unintended yet positive consequences of the extended shut down and other quizzical aspects of the mess that has been imposed on us. 

If we notice, lean in and take action, some of those consequences may even still move strong in the direction of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves, others in our circles and everyone in our country. 

Here are some of the positive possibilities that I see:

1) A big one! A spiritual awakening that includes many applying sharper thinking and discernment with more commitment to the study of God's nature and His word. Time and interest in study, prayer and discussion.

2) Strengthened and continued strengthening of family relationships. Time together does that. Adversity shows us the importance of it. May we hang on to any and all realizations we have had about the value of our families during this time. May we also continue to invest more in those relationships going forward.

3) Strengthened communities, too. We need connections with others. We can look for and find like minded connections as well as those with differing views. In our associations we can engage in activities together with others who share our values and others who differ finding mutual concerns to work together for improvements. We need to include and encourage more involvement in local civic organizations and government.

In my own re-evaluting of associations and of adding new friendships, a classroom children's game comes to mind as an illustration. Did you ever participate in, or do you remember the game of fruit salad bowl, where in a classroom setting, everyone runs around tables and chairs until the music stops, then each student takes the chair closest and a new seating assignment is created? The frantic mix-up creates a new arrangement and hopefully new associations for the students at the desks or tables. It was a bit chaotic and fun. It provided new views and opportunities for new interactions. New alliances were formed among students in the classroom. In life's current situation, I've experienced a bit of fruit salad mix up. This has happened in my own circles. Some of it has been online or long distance but I feel a similar reconfiguration of views and associations. 

4) Awareness of our God given resources. Inventory of our abundance and scarcity; Where is our treasure? What do we have? Where should those resources be directed? What needs to be created? I'm looking at and considering every level; at home, local, regional and national.

5) Exposure (so much exposure)! Exposure of our own self awareness or lack there of. Increased awareness of our own understanding plus self imposed limitations. Exposure of falsehoods in our media and information channels, including false prophets, and self serving leaders at many levels of society. Where have we placed our trust? And where have we set aside doing our own research and thinking? It's time to re-establish trust in our own ability to observe, learn and discern.

6) Improved and continually improving communication skills for all of us! This is an important one to me. While keeping the peace by avoiding difficult topics of discussion has it's place, I think as a culture we have dropped the ball on sharing our own views and understanding based on personal life experiences. We have allowed the big voices of media to determine and direct the conversation and the conclusions. We keep our thoughts to ourselves (which is sometimes good, but also, sometimes bad). We have lost our ability to have hard conversations. We don't know how to share differing opinions face to face. We have failed to teach our children how to do this. We have gotten lazy in regards to the cultural messages circulating in our world. We have failed to voice our concerns about cultural decline. Verbalizing questions to others can lead to interactions and knowledge we won't find by always being quiet and polite.

I am sure that the current state of things in our country and world will continue to feel overwhelming at times but we do have a new place to view and act from. And act we should. Somehow. Somewhere. If even only in our own homes. I am aware of how I have coasted on the freedom and prosperity life in this country has afforded me. I was fortunate to be born in the United States. How easily it is to take it for granted. Every community needs input from it's members. Oversight from educated and informed citizens will benefit every village, town and city. I think we have (I know I have) as citizens in the USA neglected our responsibilities of participating and keeping watch in our immediate communities.

Think and act locally.
An historic train station in the
suburb where I live.
I'm not sure exactly how or what steps I will take myself but I will try to understand and work to due my part more diligently. A renewal of commitment by individuals to contribute in our communities could be the most important opportunity of our life times.

Thinking of each of you!
Have a great week!



  1. The political climate has been so upsetting and scary for me, especially the attacks on freedom of speech, silencing of conservative voices, and cancel culture. This is not the America I have always known. We are becoming a police state. The barbed wire fence around the Capitol is what you see in a communist country not a free country. It's so hard not to be scared at what our country is turning into. Yet, I agree with you, something good is happening! Revival is definitely breaking out in California and I'm praying it will spread across this country. I keep praying for corruption to be exposed and justice handed out.

    1. I'm with you. The current environment has prompted me to do more reading (history) and writing. I've been pushing myself to share more with others, gently and honestly, my opinion about current events including emails to state and federal representatives. Hopefully, my baby steps will contribute in some way to retaining the freedoms we have been so accustomed to.
