Thursday, September 6

A Review of GrammarPlanet - An Online Grammar Curriculum

As a Homeschool Review Crew participant, I was given access to GrammarPlanet's online curriculum to use with my daughter and to review. It is an comprehensive, interactive online grammar curriculum. GrammarPlanet was created by language arts teachers, Erin Karl and Jerry Bailey. Using their expertise in grammar, they have produced an online program for use by anyone wanting to improve their English skills. The lessons cover all parts of speech and punctuation. The extensive outline of material covered is available here: GrammarPlanet Unit Outline. They offer a paid version and a free version that is supported by advertising. Fortunately, we were able to utilize the paid version but the info regarding the advertising supported access says that there is nothing inappropriate for families in the ad supported version. 

A video lecture begins each lesson. Each lecture presents a part of speech clearly and completely. Lecture notes for printing, to read along and refer to, accompany each lesson. They are easy to understand, useful for learning and helpful preparation before each practice session.

GrammarPlanet lecture presentation shown here on the screen.
Printed lesson notes for reference shown on the green paper.
Printed lessons
accompany lessons.

Each component of speech is presented systematically to build upon the previously presented and understood components.  A student really can't rush through without understanding the material that is meant to help them understand the structure of the English language. There is a significant amount of critical thinking necessary to move through the program with options to review and insure adequate understanding.

The practice series are user friendly and require an understanding of the material to progress through to each new level. A series of practice sessions must be completed with an acceptable score before the student is allowed by the program to move on to the next lesson. This insures that the student has an adequate understanding of each part of speech and is able to build on the knowledge acquired while moving through the program. 

A parent/teacher can reset a unit for the student to redo or unlock for a student to move on to the next set of lessons if needed. Each unit is completed with a test to access comprehension. Test scores are saved in student progress reports available to the parent/teacher through the teacher account.

We had some difficulty in our initial set up for using the program. Due to the separation of student and teacher accounts and my own lack of intuitive use of computers, I found it confusing to login the first times we attempted to view lectures and practice the lessons. However, assistance was readily available. Answers to my emailed questions were answered quickly and patiently. I'd give GrammarPlanet an A+ for their costumer service.

An unexpected and wonderful result of working through this with my daughter is my own newly increased appreciation and excitement about the study of grammar. The lessons are presented clearly and with enthusiasm for the importance of understanding the structure of the English language. The materials are definitely comprehensive. The lessons, practice and testing have added value to my daughter's current study of English. They are providing a review of basic grammar, potential improvements in her writing and practice in preparation for more extensive test taking this year.

You can read more reviews of GrammarPlanet from the Homeschool Review Crew by clicking the image below.
Grammar Program Online {GrammarPlannet Reviews}

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