Sunday, May 28

May Celebrations

Whether you are a homeschool family, private or public school family, have babies, young children or grown children, late spring schedules are filled with ceremonies and celebrations of accomplishments and transitions. A few photos of some of ours are included here. Enjoy each and every season, they pass so quickly!


Senior Prom
Young men.
Kim and her lovely daughters.


A first dance competition. 
Celebrating a win.
Hamming it up.


Longtime baseball buddies.
The whole team.
Asher and Coach Till
Asher and Coach Ruge.


Avo's DePaul University African Ensemble rehearsals and performance added some rhythm to the mix.


And for the last weekend of May, a jammed packed schedule, a graduation and a final high school baseball game. After years of homeschooling, Asher made the choice to attend public high school beginning in his freshman year. He found his niche on the baseball team, improved his study skills and is ready to move on to the next chapter. I can't believe how fast those four years flew by!

Leadership and composure
under pressure. Useful skills for
any life situation.

Congratulations, Asher!
A job well done!

We wrap May up with Memorial Day, acknowledgement and appreciation, for the sacrifice made by others for our freedom! 

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